Shop Flossy’s Arts in store!

  • Hive Marketplace - Mt Ommaney

    Hive is a collective retail space that supports and promotes local businesses and products.

    An indoor market type space that is open 7 days a week.

    Mt Ommaney Centre
    171 Dandenong Rd, Mt Ommaney
    (next to JB Hifi)

    Opening hours:
    Monday - Friday 9am - 5.30pm
    Thursdays to 8pm
    Saturday 9am - 5pm
    Sunday 10am - 4pm

  • Kiss My Patootie - Coorpooroo

    Come and visit us at our new location at Coorparoo Marketplace. There is plenty of parking and it is fully wheelchair accessible. 

    Not only can you find all of Kiss My Patootie's products, but the shop also stocks handmade products from over 45 other artists and creators. All handmade in Australia.

    23 Harries Rd, Coorparoo, Qld

    Opening hours:
    Mon - Fri 10am to 5pm
    Sat & Sun 10am to 3pm
    Public holidays - closed